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Solicitation Process
The Salt Lake City Community Reinvestment Agency (CRA) periodically releases Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Requests for Qualifications (RFQs), Invitations to Bid, and other types of solicitations, for a variety of services and development opportunities. These documents will be posted to the Utah Public Procurement Place website, where you will need to be a registered user to officially respond to an open bid. If you are interested in responding, you can check the announcements at the bottom of this page, which are posted as they become available.
For more information about a specific solicitation, please submit questions in writing or email to the corresponding CRA staff as indicated in each request or invitation. You can also pick up Requests for Proposals at our offices, located at 451 South State, Room 404, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.
Addenda and/or exhibits to the requests and invitations, if issued, will be posted to the Utah Public Procurement Place website, as well as kept on file in the office of the RDA. It is the responsibility of all parties submitting responses to REGISTER on the Utah Supplier Portal website for, or make inquiries as to, the addenda, exhibits, or updates issued, and to ascertain prior to submitting a response that all addenda and exhibits have been received. All such addenda and exhibits shall become part of the official documents and all respondents shall be bound by such addenda and exhibits, whether or not received by the respondents.
All proposals and responses must be submitted to the Salt Lake City Community Reinvestment Agency by the time and date indicated. Submissions can be made in person or by special delivery to the CRA offices. Submissions can also be mailed to the RDA’s PO Box but extra time should be provided in order that submissions arrive in the CRA offices by the time and date indicated.
When the final ranking has been determined and the City has opened negotiations with the top-ranked offeror, this page will reflect that selection status. In compliance with City Ordinance, no further information regarding the proposals can be made public until contract negotiations have been completed and a formal contract has been awarded. Requests for bids will be opened immediately following the deadline, and the lowest bid will be announced. However, staff will have to review the bid and other required information to confirm that the lowest bidder has complied with all requirements before a contract will be awarded.
RFP Status
Status of Recent Requests & Invitations:
The CRA will list the results of recent Requests and Invitations here as they become available.